現在互聯網上的 WordPress 教學資源非常豐富,不過大部分是單向學習的,比較推薦新手加入不同的 Facebook 愛好者社團,能夠找到真實的朋友和前輩互相學習,一來一往的交流,怎至可以參加線下的實體學習班。WordPress 發展已經非常成熟,路在口邊,只要您願意開口,就有人願意解答您的問題。
立即加入免費社團:WordPress 社群生態普查與研習 – 網站迷谷
完全免費 100% Free,您不用擔心在這個網站上的 WordPress 教學內容是需要額外的花費,我們的營運經費主要透過熱心的貢獻者和贊助商,這讓我們可以持續制作更多免費的教學內容。
我們為 WordPress 社群生態普查與研習 – 網站迷谷新增了師徒計劃,讓你可以與社群內的其他成員一起培養技巧並分享新知識。很高興看見大家在此建立了更穩固的關係,也期待你加入我們的行列。
✦ 以下是計劃運作方式:
香港網站設計導師:Mack Chan
15 年網站設計經驗,善於使用 WordPress 架設不同類型的網站
立即聯絡 Mack Chan
網站迷谷社團除了提供學習網站設計和 WordPress 教學等資訊,還提供一個【免費】的媒合平台,讓有需要的朋友,找到匹配的服務合作對象,這個服務結合 Facebook 的【師徒計劃 】,有一些社團朋友願意提供免費協助,有一些是需要付費提供協助,每位導師和公司都擁有各自的強項和專業,您可以慢慢尋找合適的夥伴合作,我們不會隨便加入能力不足在這個列表,確保提供一定質量的選擇給您。
WordPress 常見問題
Create stylish call-to-action buttons with Qubely Buttons. Play around with typography, design, border and more. Add animations and personalize it to engage visitors instantly.
Create stylish call-to-action buttons with Qubely Buttons. Play around with typography, design, border and more. Add animations and personalize it to engage visitors instantly.
Create stylish call-to-action buttons with Qubely Buttons. Play around with typography, design, border and more. Add animations and personalize it to engage visitors instantly.
Create stylish call-to-action buttons with Qubely Buttons. Play around with typography, design, border and more. Add animations and personalize it to engage visitors instantly.
主機(Web Hosting)相關
Create stylish call-to-action buttons with Qubely Buttons. Play around with typography, design, border and more. Add animations and personalize it to engage visitors instantly.
Create stylish call-to-action buttons with Qubely Buttons. Play around with typography, design, border and more. Add animations and personalize it to engage visitors instantly.
Create stylish call-to-action buttons with Qubely Buttons. Play around with typography, design, border and more. Add animations and personalize it to engage visitors instantly.
Create stylish call-to-action buttons with Qubely Buttons. Play around with typography, design, border and more. Add animations and personalize it to engage visitors instantly.
Create stylish call-to-action buttons with Qubely Buttons. Play around with typography, design, border and more. Add animations and personalize it to engage visitors instantly.